Ceremony is glue; the glue that makes this life cohesive. Often life doesn’t make sense or feel fair. Being in Ceremony brings the pieces together, making a mosaic, an image that can be looked at, admired, and even bring joy in the most difficult of times.
What kind of Ceremony? you may ask. Or, you may ask, How? With whom? Can I lead it, or does someone else have to?
My answer, It doesn’t matter! Just do it.
Humans have been on the planet a long time. Certain elements have withstood that span of time: AIR, FIRE, WATER, EARTH and The MYSTERY. Those same elements are the foundation of Ceremony. Bring those forward and you are on your way. Add to your hearts desire and intention, gratitude and offering, and Magic begins to happen. Stuck places move, grief is released, songs emerge, rhythms rise to the surface, movement happens. A lightness follows. A deeper trusting in the Mysteries unfolding of your and my experience. Listen to your hearts’ calling and give yourself the gift of Ceremony.